Florida Legislature Stands Up for Paycheck Protection
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Both chambers of the Florida legislature took steps this morning toward empowering teachers and public employees in the Sunshine State, where Workers for Opportunity has rallied support for worker freedom.
SB 256 passed the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee, while HB 1445 passed the House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee. Both pieces of legislation would protect workers’ paychecks by ending the practice of automatic payroll deduction for union dues. The bills would also ensure that teachers are informed that union membership is optional and that they can opt out at any time.
“The government should not be the bills collector for union dues,” said Workers for Opportunity Senior Policy Advisor Vincent Vernuccio, “especially when those unions are affiliated with national organizations that do not respect Florida taxpayers’ values.”
As an advocate for employee freedom in Florida and across the country, Workers for Opportunity commends Florida legislators for their leadership.
Workers for Opportunity is a project of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. WFO’s goal is to advance the liberty of employees across the country and protect their First Amendment rights by ensuring they have a full and informed choice in union membership.