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Florida Senate Votes to Safeguard Worker Freedom

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Senate moved to protect public workers’ First Amendment rights today by passing Senate Bill 256, which empowers teachers and improves union transparency.

The legislation ensures that teachers and other public employees in Florida are informed of their rights. It also ensures they can exercise the right to opt out of the union. Unions are required under the bill to notify members annually of the cost of membership.

SB 256 also protects public employees’ hard-earned paychecks by ending the practice of automatic payroll deduction for union dues. The provision gets Florida taxpayers out of the business of union dues collection.

SB 256 also guarantees many Florida public employees an election if union membership drops below 60%.

“Today the Florida Senate protected union democracy, accountability and transparency,” said Workers for Opportunity Senior Policy Advisor Vincent Vernuccio. “Now public employees across the state can rest assured that they are armed with the knowledge necessary to make sure unions will serve them and not take their membership for granted.”

The companion bill, House Bill 1445, is working its way through the Florida House. Both bills are a victory for Florida teachers and public employees.

As an advocate for employee freedom in Florida and across the country, Workers for Opportunity commends the Florida Senate for its leadership.


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