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Tennessee House Education Committee Puts Teachers Ahead of Politics

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Workers for Opportunity today released the following statement from Senior Policy Advisor Vincent Vernuccio after the Tennessee House Education Administration Committee passed HB 329, which would increase teacher salaries and eliminate automatic union dues deduction from teacher paychecks:

Tennessee lawmakers are committed to realizing Governor Bill Lee’s vision of a freer workplace for teachers. Today’s action by the House Education Administration Committee marks an important step forward by helping to safeguard Tennessee teachers’ paychecks.

HB 329 will end the practice of automatically deducting union dues from teachers’ paychecks, restoring teachers’ decision-making power over how their hard-earned paychecks are spent. This legislation will also get taxpayers out of the business of collecting unions’ dues for them.

With organizations like Workers for Opportunity firmly behind them, state leaders are standing up for Tennessee teachers and taxpayers – putting education ahead of union politics.


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